But if you copy and paste that formula into A4, then it becomes =$A2+$A3. If you type =$A1+$A2 into cell A3, then copy and paste that formula into cell B3, it will stay =$A1+$A2. If you type =$A$1+$A$2 into cell A3, then copy and paste that formula into cell B3, it will stay =$A$1+$A$2. Absolutely AbsoluteĪll dollar signs, baby. So if you type =A1+A2 into cell A3, then copy and paste that formula into cell B3, it will automatically change the formula to =B1+B2. No dollar signs at all! If you copy this bad boy from place to place, the formula will move with it. (Note that I’m not using the official names here, but I’m hoping “absolutely absolute” catches on.) Relative References I recommend opening up your own blank Excel sheet to follow along. Knowing this information, there are four types of references you should know. (Actually, the formula can also look like =$A1+$A2 or =A$1+A$2, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.) So a relative cell reference might look like =A1+A2 but an absolute reference might look like =$A$1+$A$2. Absolute references are noted by a dollar sign in front of the cell reference. The key difference between relative and absolute cells is that relative cell references move when you copy them, but absolute references do not.

Knowing the difference between absolute and relative references in Excel can take you from Excel novice to master in not long at all. Is it important to know the difference between relative and absolute references in Excel? Absolutely! Pardon the pun, but I couldn’t resist it. By Rich Rinaldi on Decemin Basic Excel Functions and Formulas